The first thing for you to do is to contact us. At Dongguan Shujian Shoes Material Co.,Ltd., we have been always adhering to the business principle of "Quality First" and conducting strict quality control on every process. We take pride that we have a promised high qualification rate of our exquisitely-made products. However, due to many reasons like the negligence of our staff and occasional mistakes, there are few imperfections delivered out of our factory along with those high-quality products. Please understand that and we will solve this problem very well. Send us the imperfections and we will replace them to perfectly new products or refund the money on them to you.
As the world's leading heated ski socks manufacturer, we always put quality first. According to the material, Dongguan Shujian Shoes Material Company's products are divided into several categories, and Health Care is one of them. The product is best known for its hygienic performance. During the manufacturing process, non-toxic germicidal substances have been used to prevent the generation of mold and smell. The product is resistant to water and is up to the IP66 waterproof standard. A closely spaced international sales network ensures qualified customer service of Dongguan S-King Limited. The best quality chip is used to ensure its excellent performance.
Our mission is clear and steadfast. We have established specific plans to market our products through more channels, so as to increase our market share around the globe. Get more info!
Whenever you need, we are here!
Don’t hesitate anymore, please contact us to try our excellent service!
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Heated insoles
Heated Socks
Heated Gloves
Heated Apparel
Heated System
Company profile
TEL: +86-769-23025813
Phone: +86-13728285815
Add: Floor 1,Build 2,Industrial Park No.10,YizhanRoad, Yuanwubian, Nancheng, Dongguan, China