Heated clothing we produce is in strict line with the international standards and is easy and convenient to install. There is installation information provided in the external packaging. The relevant operations are easy to learn as we have described it using simple language. To maximize the use of the product, please make sure that you properly follow the instructions. If you have any problems with the installation, contact us and we will help you to figure out the solution to the problems.
Dongguan S-King Limited has strong technical strength and processing ability. The battery heated vest series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. Every Dr. Warm heated vest mens has undergone and passed stringent quality control tests. These quality control tests start with the knitting of the base fabric, followed by the inspection of every other element before the product is passed and cleared for delivery. Small quantity is accepted for the first order on it. Dongguan S-King Limited aims to provide clients with competitively priced heated underwear. Advanced technology is applied to solve its aging problem.
The main current objective of our company is to increase customer satisfaction. We are cultivating a professional team to provide quality products and service for clients. We believe that higher customer satisfaction brings higher profits. Ask online!
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Company profile
TEL: +86-769-23025813
Phone: +86-13728285815
E-Mail: allen@drwarm.com
Add: Floor 1,Build 2,Industrial Park No.10,YizhanRoad, Yuanwubian, Nancheng, Dongguan, China