These years witness the growth of monthly output of heated gear at Dongguan Shujian Shoes Material Co.,Ltd.. This can be seen as the result of technology advancement, machine introduction and production management. We will record how many products are produced each month, with attention paid to the growth rate comparing with the last month. We believe through efforts in personnel allocation and production arrangement, the production efficiency will be further improved in a steady manner while the product quality remains stable and reliable.
Dongguan S-King Limited is a vanguard enterprise in the heated foot insoles industry in China. The heated motorcycle socks is one of the main products of Dongguan Shujian Shoes Material Company. Dr. Warm electric clothing is manufactured using the latest manufacturing technology. It is a great way to keep a consistent temperature. The speed adaptability of the product enables it to fit properly to different kinds of machines' movements without compromising its sealing effect. It stands over 1,000,000 times of anti-bending test.
Our priority is to sustain the growth of client numbers. Our corporate will be geared consistently to the customers’ requirements and help them reach their commercial targets, which ultimately helps increase customer satisfaction.
Whenever you need, we are here!
Don’t hesitate anymore, please contact us to try our excellent service!
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Heated insoles
Heated Socks
Heated Gloves
Heated Apparel
Heated System
Company profile
TEL: +86-769-23025813
Phone: +86-13728285815
Add: Floor 1,Build 2,Industrial Park No.10,YizhanRoad, Yuanwubian, Nancheng, Dongguan, China