Heated gear is one of the hottest sale products of Dr,warm. Its design and process all adopt higher level specification. Although there is no clear fixed number of year for rejection rate, generally speaking, the user can check it in accordance with the relevant national standards. For use life not only depends on the quality of the product itself, but it also depends on the use of the environment and the use of the level of installation and debugging and daily maintenance, etc. Thus, according to our surveys, its rejection rate can be less than that of similar products while the external factors can be focused on.
Dongguan S-King Limited engages in the production of battery heated jacket, including heated jacket uk. The battery heated gloves is one of the main products of Dongguan Shujian Shoes Material Co.,Ltd.. Dr. Warm heated boot insoles is carefully crafted by our skillful workers who utilize advanced production equipment. The product is resistant to water and is up to the IP66 waterproof standard. The product will not accumulate too much heat. The heat sink components can absorb the heat produced by it and effectively dissipate it into the surrounding environment. It stands over 1,000,000 times of anti-bending test.
We are designing and implementing innovative solutions to take on environments. We constantly protect our natural resources and reduce production waste.
Whenever you need, we are here!
Don’t hesitate anymore, please contact us to try our excellent service!
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Heated insoles
Heated Socks
Heated Gloves
Heated Apparel
Heated System
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TEL: +86-769-23025813
Phone: +86-13728285815
E-Mail: allen@drwarm.com
Add: Floor 1,Build 2,Industrial Park No.10,YizhanRoad, Yuanwubian, Nancheng, Dongguan, China