Dongguan Shujian Shoes Material Co.,Ltd. wants our products to lead the pack and the market. In order to get there, we have built an R&D team with the right balance of skills and aptitudes. It is the core of our company's growth and expansion. It consists of experienced and skilled talents who continuously research and develop products and the latest manufacturing technologies. Among numerous missions, this team aims to advise and guide customers in their technological choices and help the company to meet market demand.
Dr. Warm has significant achievements in the aspect of manufacturing heated clothing. battery heated vest produced by Dongguan Shujian Shoes Material Company is very popular in the market. Easy cleaning and maintaining are this product's features. It has a smooth and soft surface with no porous or splicing trace, which prevents it from accumulating dust and dirt. Its working temperature has a wide range and can be adjusted. Successful customer service communications and interactions are important to Dongguan S-King Limited. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Carrying forward the entrepreneurial spirit of heated boot insoles will be beneficial to the cohesion of the Dr. Warm. Inquire!
Whenever you need, we are here!
Don’t hesitate anymore, please contact us to try our excellent service!
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Heated insoles
Heated Socks
Heated Gloves
Heated Apparel
Heated System
Company profile
TEL: +86-769-23025813
Phone: +86-13728285815
Add: Floor 1,Build 2,Industrial Park No.10,YizhanRoad, Yuanwubian, Nancheng, Dongguan, China