Heated insoles is very convenient for users to install. Processed by highly advanced machines, each part of our product is designed to be highly precise, which makes the installation process simpler. We have successfully developed its own installation manual for the easy installation.
During the course of development, Dongguan S-King Limited has accumulated extensive experience in the R&D and manufacturing of heated insoles. The battery heated vest series is one of the main products of Dongguan Shujian Shoes Material Co.,Ltd.. The quality of this product is always guaranteed by our QC team. Advanced technology is applied to solve its aging problem. The product requires only little maintenance. People who bought this product thought that it was a valuable investment for their machine. It can be customized to make sure the customer gets the most suitable one.
Dr. Warm will increase its international fluency in the electric socks field. Get more info!
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Heated insoles
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TEL: +86-769-23025813
Phone: +86-13728285815
E-Mail: allen@drwarm.com
Add: Floor 1,Build 2,Industrial Park No.10,YizhanRoad, Yuanwubian, Nancheng, Dongguan, China