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Alpinestars Tech Heated Vest Review

by:Dr. Warm     2020-04-15
Alpinestars has noticed the popularity of heated motorcycle clothing and has made a heated vest of their own, called the Tech Heated Vest. Heated vests are excellent if you live in the colder areas. When the temperature goes below 50 F you can't deny the comfort of a heated vest. You can wear these vests below your normal motorcycle jacket. Alpinestars's vest is made of an insulated lycra outer shell and a fleece lining on the inside. There's flat heating panels all over the vest, including the neck. The vest gets it's power straight from the battery of the bike and it warms up to maximum heat in just a couple of minutes. With just a t-shirt under the vest your arms might get a little cold but any long sleeved shirt will do fine. Installation is incredibly easy. Just get the battery out, take the motorcycle's wires out, hook the vest's wires on, then the motorcycle's wires back and put the battery back. Now just take the cords and bring them from under the seat to where they are available for you. I just have them hanging from the seat and then plug the vest in when I'm going for a ride. Whole process takes you about five minutes and all the wires you'll need come with the vest. The vest is really nicely finished and looks great even for other outdoor purposes. You can go for a walk with it on a windy day for example. Only bad thing I could find about the vest was the price. It retails at $399 which is a lot of money for a heated vest. With all the features it has got though, I would recommend this vest for those who need one actively. But for those who just use a vest once or twice a year, you're probably better off with a cheaper one.
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